SMEs expect cryptocurrency payments to reach high street 'within two years' - Article Kelso : Rennie Welch

SMEs expect cryptocurrency payments to reach high street 'within two years'

20 Feb 2018

Research carried out by card payments provider Paymentsense has suggested that owners of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) expect cryptocurrency payments to be a reality on the UK high street ‘within two years’.

35% of UK SME owners expect cryptocurrency payments to be made on the high street from 2020, whilst a further 21% believe that such payments will appear even earlier.

59% of business owners revealed that they would consider investing in cryptocurrency, with an additional 18% divulging that they already invest in it.

However, the research also revealed that only 13% of businesses already accept cryptocurrency payments, while an additional 25% believe that this type of payment will never become a reality on the high street.

Guy Moreve, Head of Marketing at Paymentsense, commented: ‘It’s clear that cryptocurrencies are moving swiftly towards the mainstream. However, small business owners considering cryptocurrency as a payment option should be clear about how they can integrate it with their existing financial arrangements.

‘Also, the value of unregulated cryptocurrency changes fast. Using a trusted payment processor or merchant service provider can help guard against this by allowing a swift currency exchange, and improve security processes.’

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