Isla Young BSc (Hons) CA Kelso : Rennie Welch

Isla Young BSc (Hons) CA

Isla Young BSc (Hons) CA

Isla graduated from Aberdeen University in 2004 with a BSC (hons) degree in Agriculture and Business Management, before commencing her CA training with Johnston Carmichael in Elgin, qualifying in 2007. During this time, Isla gained a broad range of experience in both audit and accounts, working with businesses across the agricultural, food & drink, manufacturing and charitable sectors.

In July 2009 Isla moved to Rennie Welch and primarily works as a Team Leader in the Accounts Department. Although involved at all levels of accounts preparation, Isla mainly deals with both unincorporated and incorporated farming cases.

Brought up on a farm, Isla spent much of her spare time and holidays gaining practical experience within various beef, sheep, dairy and arable enterprises, which puts her in a strong position to support our farming and rural business clients.

In addition to her farming specialism Isla also has an interest in Charities, and is one of the firm’s charity accounts specialists.

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